At Dogwood Social House, we aim to create a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone. Please take a moment to review our policies. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in denied entry or removal from the premises.
Age Policy
Guests under the age of 18 are welcome but must be accompanied by a guardian who is at least 25 years old. Each guardian may bring up to 6 underage guests.
Certain locations enforce a curfew for guests under 21, requiring them to leave by 10 p.m. on days we are open. Check with your local Dogwood Social House for specific curfew hours.
To consume alcohol, you must show valid, government-issued ID with your photo, birthdate, height, sex, and eye color. We cannot accept IDs that are expired, damaged, or altered.
Smoking Policy
Smoking, including vaping, cigars, pipes, and chewing tobacco, is prohibited on the premises.
Loitering inside or in the parking areas is not allowed.
Outside Food & Drinks
We do not permit outside food or beverages, except for birthday parties (desserts only). This policy may change at any time.
Dress Code
We ask that all guests wear clean, appropriate attire. The following guidelines apply:
No torn or soiled clothing (admission is at management’s discretion).
No hats, ripped clothing, or jewelry with offensive language or imagery.
No visible tattoos with offensive content.
Shirts and shoes are required.
Sunglasses may not be worn inside.
Clothing must not expose underwear or excessive skin.
No visible gang affiliation.
First responders, military, and veteran motorcycle groups must provide proper ID when in riding attire (offensive patches are not allowed).
No open carry of firearms (except for law enforcement personnel).
Filming and Photography
We encourage you to capture and share fun moments, but please follow these guidelines:
Get permission before filming or taking photos for commercial use.
Ask other guests or staff for permission before filming or photographing them.
Do not film games for an unfair playing advantage.
No tripods or other equipment that could obstruct others' enjoyment, unless approved in advance.
We reserve the right to revoke photography or filming permissions at any time.